Julie Moore HomeopathHomeopathy and Natural Therapies
Mid Wales, Powys, Shropshire

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The latest homeopathy methods

Since the beginning of homeopathy, the aim has always been to treat the person with a single remedy. This is called 'classical homeopathy' and it's about treating the whole person.


It works on every level of your being. From my experience, what happens is - you feel great, you have more energy, and all your symptoms clear up. However, in the modern world we live in, commonly used drug treatments such as antibiotics, or the contraceptive pill etc. can create effects even long after the person has stopped taking them. So I use the latest homeopathy methods to deal with those effects as well as using traditional homeopathy. It's the best of both worlds!


Book your consultation or FREE introductory call

Click here to make a booking using the online booking system, or call me on 01938 810332.

Homeopathy with a qualified experienced registered homeopath


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I graduated from the College of Practical Homeopathy in 1999 and I am a registered with The Alliance of Registered Homeopaths.


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